Punjab National Bank Jhumian Wali branch Details

Punjab National Bank Jhumian Wali is located at Firozpur situated at Ferozepur district, Punjab state. The address of Punjab National Bank Jhumian Wali branch as per Reserve Bank of India(RBI) records is Jhumian Wali Fazilka Distferozepur 152122

Jhumian Wali branch Punjab National Bank IFSC CODE, MICR CODE for NEFT and RTGS

Punjab National Bank Jhumian Wali branch ifsc code is PUNB0154910 and micr code is 152024067


IFSC Code PUNB0154910
MICR Code 152024067
Address Jhumian Wali Fazilka Distferozepur 152122
District Ferozepur
State Punjab

Jhumian Wali branch Information, Ifsc code and Contact Details

Below you can find IFSC Code and MICR Code for Punjab National Bank Jhumian Wali branch along with bank address and contact phone numbers and customer care number information.

Bank Name:
Punjab National Bank
Branch Name:
Jhumian Wali
Branch Code :
City :
District :
State :
Contact Number:
Customer Care No :
Email :
Fax :
Bank Address :
Jhumian Wali Fazilka Distferozepur 152122

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