Idbi Bank Ghazipur U P branch Details
Idbi Bank Ghazipur U P is located at Ghazipur situated at Ghazipur district, Uttar Pradesh state. The address of Idbi Bank Ghazipur U P branch as per Reserve Bank of India(RBI) records is H No 136 Near Jail Gate Saklenabad Ghazipur 233001
Ghazipur U P branch Information, Ifsc code and Contact Details
Below you can find IFSC Code and MICR Code for Idbi Bank Ghazipur U P branch along with bank address and contact phone numbers and customer care number information.
- Bank Name:
- Idbi Bank
- Branch Name:
- Ghazipur U P
- IBKL0001585
- N/A
- Branch Code :
- 001585
- City :
- Ghazipur
- District :
- Ghazipur
- State :
- Uttar Pradesh
- Contact Number:
- 9198526852
- Customer Care No :
- 022 – 66552776/77/78
- Email :
- Fax :
- Nil
- Bank Address :
- H No 136 Near Jail Gate Saklenabad Ghazipur 233001