Indian Overseas Bank Puthucode is located at Alathur situated at Mysore district, Karnataka state. The address of Indian Overseas Bank Puthucode branch as per Reserve Bank of India(RBI) records is 8 By 192 Anjumuri,Puthucode,Alathur Taluk,Puthucode Pin 678687
Indian Overseas Bank Puthucode branch ifsc code is IOBA0001272 and micr code is 678020801
IFSC Code | IOBA0001272 |
MICR Code | 678020801 |
Address | 8 By 192 Anjumuri,Puthucode,Alathur Taluk,Puthucode Pin 678687 |
District | Mysore |
State | Karnataka |
Telephone | 044-28584896, 28889397 |
Below you can find IFSC Code and MICR Code for Indian Overseas Bank Puthucode branch along with bank address and contact phone numbers and customer care number information.